body & soul nourishing


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From the Bounty of Mother Earth

Because we know that what we put ON our bodies is as important as what we put IN our bodies, we bring the finest in elemental personal care products.

Offerings include pristine body & soul-nourishing fulvic & humic mineral complexes, healing muds, and lovingly curated skin care products.

Each high-performance, nourishing skin care product is free of chemicals, preservatives, dyes & fragrances found in so many high-profile product lines.


Mother Earth’s Elements™ is all about pristine, next generation water-extracted rare-earth fulvic & humic mineral complexes, non-toxic, high-performance skin, personal & nutritional care, as well as SelfCare SoulCare™. There’s more, so much more.


train wrecks, toxins & you

We interrupt the previously planned eNEWS topic to address the current 'elephant in the room'. At the time of this writing on Thursday Feb 16th - exactly two short...

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Would it help if I add a single-nutrient supplement?

I've had several different conversations lately, with people asking me about the value of adding in a single-nutrient supplement. For example: "to boost my magnesium". ...

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LET ME TELL YOU A STORY | the search

It’s been 27½  years. . . My mineral-love journey began officially on Sept 11, 1995, the day I signed a ‘member agreement’ as a distributor...

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Life, Aliveness & Depleters

Generation by generation, our families have becoming more and more depleted; with less and less vitality. Some are having trouble conceiving, along with many other red-flags...

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Did you know?

We humans emit wavelengths of light that are undetectable to the naked eye called ultraweak photon emissions (upe). This makes us literal light beings. In...

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Another Mind-Blowing Story

Last eNEWS, I shared a story that blew my mind when I first heard it. The story of Caroline’s energetic impact on the cultured veggies...

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All Natural

We use only what nature gave us

Cruelty free

NEVER tested on animals

Gluten Free

Your health, your skin