LUMINessence™ mineral mist | 8 oz
plant-sourced fulvic mineral, enzyme & light-energy complexes
naturally-occurring organic fulvic mineral complexes - naturally complexed by Mother Earth
topical mineral mist | 8 fluid ounces per bottle
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This multi-tasking fulvic mineral mist is one of the finest products we’ve ever used – for skin, scalp, hair, nails and the body over-all.
So nourishing, refreshing and restorative.
LUMINessence™ mineral mist is 100% pure, naturally occurring, finely filtered fulvic mineral complexes; the nourishing by-product of decomposed ancient fresh water plant deposits. The fulvic mineral complexes have been extracted with a unique, proprietary process that preserves the integrity of delicate, naturally occurring fulvic complexes, electrolytes and micro-elements.
When lightly misted over the skin, scalp, hair and nails, the low molecular weight of fulvic complexes allows them to be easily absorbed. They can then be in service to the body; nourishing, rejuvenating & enlivening on a cellular level.
The fragrance-free mist is easily applied; undetectable when used throughout the day. No need to be worried about triggering aromatically-sensitive family, co-workers, friends or the environment. LUMINessence™ mineral mist is also a surprisingly effective natural pain reliever when misted over the site of discomfort.
Why LUMINessence™ mineral mist?
LUMINessence™ provides a nourishing cellular boost to skin; defending against the damage of exposure to chlorinated water, nutrient-deficient diet, harsh environmental elements & toxins, and stress, stress, stress. Soothe breakouts, heat rash, sunburns, bruises and irritated skin, while providing a light layer of protection from skin-damaging environmental elements.
Rather than using commercial chemical-cocktails for skin and hair care, naturally-sourced LUMINessence™ provides valuable nourishment and support from Mother Earth - easily absorbed and utilized by skin, scalp and hair.
LUMINessence™ mineral mist:
- Reduces the impact of environmental toxins
- Detoxifies skin cells
- Facilitates cellular nourishment and assimilation
- Rejuvenates skin, scalp and hair
- Supports optimum skin tone
- Protects against harsh elements
- Naturally and effectively relieves pain & inflammation
Potent source of naturally occurring & balanced pure fulvic mineral complexes
Contains only organic plant-sourced fulvic mineral complex in a base of pristine water ONLY
No compromising heat, pressure, harsh solvents, chemicals or extraction agents are used . . . ever
No fillers, additives, preservatives, coloring or compromises. . . ever