It’s common for commercial mineral supplements to be sourced from inorganic elements such as rocks, chalk, clay and egg shells, using harsh chemical processes in the processing, rendering the resulting mineral supplements as a much less effective or beneficial source of nutrients for the body.
HUmn™ mineral complex capsules contain micronized plant material from ancient plant deposits, rich in humic & fulvic mineral complexes as well as a plethora of nourishing micro-elements.
Respectfully extracted via a unique proprietary process, honoring and preserving the integrity of the naturally occurring nutrients. Absolutely no chemicals used . . . Ever!
Nourishing the body with nutrient-rich mineral complexes sourced from pristine, ancient plants, rather than supplementing with highly processed pills or powders from inorganic mineral sources just makes sense.
We humans depend on nourishment from the foods we eat and drink. Too often though, we don’t eat as well as we could. Supplementing with HUmn™ mineral complex capsules, a naturally balanced source of humic minerals and micro-elements, provides a full spectrum of plant-sourced minerals, micro-elements -naturally occurring nutrients that support maximum health and vitality.
Supplementing with HUmn™ mineral complex capsules helps solve a major issue in today’s food supply by adding back the minerals and micro-elements our great grandparents benefited from, that are now depleted from our soils and food supply due to modern farming practices.
The human body can get along, albeit poorly, without supplemental vitamins, but remove all minerals and the body will rapidly fail.