Malnutrition Is Our Only Disease

Years ago I heard a presentation by Dr. Glen Halvorson that impacted my life deeply. As a part of that presentation he shared his belief that
“malnutrition is our only disease.”
He went on to express his belief that 
in North America we have a culture of people who have accepted disease and illness as normal. They are walking around with subclinical malnutrition; most illness is borne from malnutrition.
Free Man with Hamburger Getting his Waist Measured  Stock Photo
Add to those sentiments from Dr Halverson, these comments from Dr. Oz:
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“The number one reason people get old and sick before their time is because of their choices, not their genes . . .
70 to 80 percent of how fast your body will age is absolutely in your hands.
Most people in the US and Canada will never reach full genetic potential due to nutritional deficiencies and lack of attention to their own preventative health care.”
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We think of malnutrition as a thing of the past, or as an issue that has to be dealt with on the other side of the world. Not so.
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Add to Dr Halverson's and then Dr Oz's comments, these comments from Dr. Melchior Dikkers, retired professor of biochemistry and organic chemistry at Loyola University:
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As North Americans, although we have the global reputation of being the ‘best fed nation on earth’, people’s health is threatened by mineral-depleted or mineral-depleting foods that have become the mainstay of what we now call our western diet.
**Researcher Ragner Berg discovered in his experiments that if minerals were sufficiently available in proper balance, a lesser amount of daily protein would be necessary for the body.** (<= this is HUGE!)
This may also explain why it is that for many, organic foods are so much more satisfying and filling than typical western fare.
One can eat less and be more satiated and satisfied on every level when eating ‘real’ nutrient-dense mineral-rich organic foods.
Additionally, there are many cases of health regeneration from consistently adding in a daily shot of plant-sourced, water-processed rare-earth minerals to one’s diet. Adding back the nourishment that's missing from our modern-day food supply.
Lorene Davies
Minerals, The Metabolic Spark Plug of Life eBook
Well, as indicated in the quote above. . .
#1 - clearing out the packaged, processed, and 'fast' sources of 'food' we're filling ourselves with, shifting to eating only real, whole, health-full foods.
#2 - adding back the nourishment that has been stripped from our soils, by adding in plant-sourced, water-processed rare-earth fulvic & humic mineral supplementation on a daily basis.
IMHO, these are two of the most powerful health choices one can make.
Until taking the conscious and deliberate step to fuel ourselves with real, whole, health-full food that our body will recognize, and to supply our body with a healthy balance of real, whole, naturally-ocurring minerals, the basic building blocks of life, neither the body, mind or Spirit will be able to function at optimum levels.
Wise, real-foods and supplemental plant-sourced rare-earth mineral complexes support a well mineralized body, mind and Spirit; the foundation of vibrant health, optimized cognitive function, high energy and a vibrant LIFE!
Here's to an outstanding year of living THAT!

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