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Tamaño 10ml

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melaleuca alternifolia

• A sitz bath with Tea Tree can be effective in relieving rashes and infections in the genital area.

Add 10 drops Tea Tree to ¼ -½ cup Dead Sea Salts and add to warm bath water.
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Diaper rash can be handled 99% of the time by applying a carrier oil of choice whenever the diaper is changed. It will slow down the rate of absorption to the skin and soothe the skin.

Adding a drop or two of Tea Tree to the 4 oz bottle of carrier oil is a great protector for general use.
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• For those who aren’t particularly raving fans of Tea Tree’s aroma it can be blended to be a very effective air purifier when diffused.

Blend 10 drops Tea Tree, 5 drops Lemongrass and 5 drops Lavender (or create your own blend of oils) and diffuse 15 minutes per hour.
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Use for bacteria busting, dishwashing, general cleaning, kitchen/bath, laundry care, mold killer, and as an repellent.

• To disinfect the dishes, add 2 drops of Tea Tree to 3 oz of automatic dishwasher liquid

DISINFECTANT • To clean and disinfect counter tops, sinks, or cleanse high traffic areas, add 15- 20 drops Tea Tree to 4 oz distilled water in a cobalt blue spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Spray where needed.

LIQUID SOAP • Keep a clean dispenser of diluted biodegradable liquid dish soap with several drops of Tea Tree for effective cleaning while eliminating bacteria.

FUNGUS & MOLD PREVENTION • Mix 10 drops Tea Tree in a spray bottle with 2 ½ cups distilled water, shake well. Use generously to prevent fungus and mold anywhere.

• 1 cup baking soda
• ¼ cup salt
• 10 drops Tea Tree

Combine all the ingredients and store in an airtight container. Add enough water to make a paste to desired consistency

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• Inhale to fight sinus and throat infection by applying 1 drops to a tissue or clean cloth, cup in hands over nose, and inhale deeply 2-3x every 15 minutes until discomfort subsides.
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• Dr PENOELE'S TEA TREE LICK: Apply 1 drop to back of hand, then lick with the tongue, holding the oil in the
mouth as it mixes with saliva for a minute or two before swallowing.

Repeat again in 15 minutes, holding the oil in mouth.

Following 2 applications as above, there shouldn't be any further need to use the lick trick.

SORE THROAT • For sore throat, mouth ulcers or bad breath, add 2 drops of Tea Tree to 6 oz. of water and gargle, or use Tea Tree Lick as noted above.

CANKER SORE • Take a trace of Tea Tree on the tongue 1-2x a day to ward off canker sores. You can lick a trace off of a toothpick to get a trace.

LARYNGITIS• Make an antibacterial mouthwash by placing 2 drops Tea Tree in ½ cup of water in a lidded jar. Shake vigorously, immediately use as a gargle, spit it out. Repeat, then swallow.
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YEAST INFECTION • We have had reports from women suffering from vaginal yeast infections who have knocked it out by douching with water and 1-2 drops Tea Tree.
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• Add 1-2 drops Tea Tree to 1 Tblsp carrier oil, apply as a powerful chest rub.

• If desired, create an effective chest rub by putting 5 drops each of Tea Tree and Lavender into 1 tbsp of carrier oil and massage over the lung area of chest and back.

• If ear congestion is present, massage a small amount of Tea Tree oil in a carrier oil around the outside of the ear and particularly along the mastoid bone, behind the ear. (DO NOT APPLY DIRECTLY INTO THE EAR)
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• Mix 15–20 drops in 4 oz. distilled water in cobalt blue misting spray bottle. Shake gently and spray for environmental cleansing when cold/flu viruses are circulating.
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SORE THROAT • At the first sign of a prickling sensation in the throat, take a drop of Tea Tree on the back of the hand, lick.

Apply another drop or two under the jaw line, along the path of the jugular vein and from ears to clavicle.
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EAR INFECTIONS IN DOGS • Your oil of choice with ear infections is Tea Tree. • One drop of Tea Tree behind the ear and a drop applied to the feet, three times per day, diluted based on size of dog.
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ABSCESSED TEETH • Rub Tea Tree on the area 3 to 4 times daily, internally and externally.

ACNE • Mix 6 drops Tea Tree, 4 drops Lavender and 1 tsp Carrier Oil and apply daily to clear and disinfect pimples and acne.

PIMPLES • Use a cotton swab to apply Tea Tree directly to a particularly harsh blemishes, pimples or sores. Its anti-septic action helps to disinfect the area and speed healing. My two youngest sons swore by it during their teenage acne years.

ATHLETE'S FOOT • Use Tea Tree in a misting spray. Add 20 drops to 4 oz distilled or purified water and spray on location—great for stinky tennis shoes, too.. . .

CUTS • For cuts, sores, boils, pimples, nail fungus and athletes’ foot, apply 1-2 drops diluted in a carrier oil (or more if needed) on location of the targeted area. If needed, apply several times per day. For open wound, apply AROUND the open area.

ECZEMA • Use approximately 5 drops Tea Tree in a base of 1 Tbsp Carrier Oil applied twice daily on location of breakouts. Dilute further if needed.

INGROWN TOENAIL • Following the foot soak, apply a drop of Tea Tree on the site, and ‘work’ the nail out of where it’s ingrown. If needed, trim the nail so it’s trimmed ‘straight across.’

STYE • Tea Tree is also effective against bacteria associated with the stye. Use by adding 1 to 2 drops to 1 Tbsp Carrier Oil. Apply around eye area

THRUSH/YEAST• Whether it’s a child or young adult, Tea Tree is the oil of choice. For mild cases under 30 months, mix 2 to 3 drops with 1 oz Carrier Oil. Apply on location. Over 30 months, use 10 drops Tea Tree to 1 oz Carrier Oil.

UTI • Tea Tree is a urinary antiseptic. Combine 5 to 6 drops with 1 Tbsp Carrier Oil and massage over bladder and kidney areas 3 or 4 times daily. Follow with a warm compress, if desired.
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Non-toxic, non-irritant; possibly sensitizing in larger amounts.

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The information in this email has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any lifestyle changes. The material provided is for educational purposes only.

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© MotherEarthsElements.com 2024

100% pure, 1st distillation of the leaves of Tea Tree, melaleuca alterifolia.

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NO synthetics

NO added enhancers or fragrances

NO extenders

NO chemicals

NO fillers
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GC/MS tested for efficacy, purity, quality assurance, safety and effectiveness
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Sustainably harvested & sourced.

Ethically grown, tended to and cared for.

Mother Earth's Elements esceptional Tea tree essential oil is sourced from an outstanding producer, providing a pristine essential oil you can trust for use with your loved ones. Effective, potent and with the clean, distinctly camphorous aroma of the fragrant tea tree we know and love, you'll find it to be aromatically smooth and full bodied. yet not overwhelming.

It provides all the physical, mental, emotional and energetic benefits one would look for in a pristine quality essential oil of Tea Tree.

Again, as stated above, Tea Tree oil is an amazing multitasker. It's been proven in countless studies to be a powerful immune stimulant, effective in fighting all three types of infection:
* bacterial,
* viral,
* and fungal,
It makes this essential oil a unique and distinct powerhouse in the world of health care, and particularly the genre of essential oils.

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Following is a 'laundry list' of some of the benefits:
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Apply undiluted on effected area of arthritis, rheumatism; muscle & joint aches, pains, injuries and sprains

Tea Tree can soothe joint and muscular aches of rheumatism.
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Good for clearing acne. Add a few Tea Tree drops to warm water as final natural, antiseptic facial rinse.

Tea tree oil has an effect similar to benzoyl peroxide 5% without creating flaky skin. Tea tree oil and lemon oil are a good option for use with mild acne.

Can apply Tea Tree oil with a Q-tip directly to a particularly harsh blemish.
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Unlike antibiotics which kill bacteria indiscriminately, Tea Tree targets only harmful bacteria while leaving beneficial bacteria intact.

And also unlike antibiotics, which have no efficacy against viral and fungal infections, Tea Tree can effectively fight both, in addition to bacteria.

STYE | Tea Tree is also effective against bacteria associated with the stye.
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DANDRUFF | Tea tree oil-containing hair cleansers, free of SLS, can provide antifungal, anti-dandruff action without irritation.

Whether it’s a child or young adult, Tea Tree is the oil of choice. For mild cases under 30 months, mix 2 to 3 drops with 1 oz Carrier Oil. Apply topically on location. Over 30 months, use 10 drops Tea Tree to 1 oz Carrier Oil.
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Apply undiluted to cold sores, on ring worm infections, on chicken pox to ease itch and stop infection, on insect bites to ease itch and pain. Use undiluted for itching of any kind.
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Use undiluted on corns to soften and control growth, on cuts and scrapes for antiseptic benefits.
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Diffusion of Tea Tree oil is very useful for infections such as colds and influenza, especially if it is used at the first signs of infection.
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ATHLETE'S FOOT | A few drops in a carrier oil may be used for athletes foot and fungal infections. Use undiluted on warts.

For particularly tough cases, soak feet in Tea Tree mixed with Dead Sea or Himalayan Bath Salts each evening.
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Tea Tree aids hypertension and recovery after a heart attack. Apply on chest undiluted for cardio-vascular/ Lymphatic support: may help to lower blood pressure, aids hypertension (MDR), recovery support after heart attack
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Shake 5 drops in a cup of water in a mason jar. Moisten a sponge or washcloth to reduce fevers.
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Use Dr Penoele 'lick trick' (sparingly - 1x - 2x) for overcoming sore throat, infections, and to aid with recuperation from long illness.

Use Dr Penoele 'lick trick' for added support in overcoming whooping cough.
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Add 1-2 drops of Tea Tree in a douche or sitz bath for urinary antiseptic, yeast infection, cystitis, vaginitis, increased urine flow.
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Tea Tree: Oily hair. Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands.
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Reduce the effects of infectious micro-organisms. Add 5 to 10 drops to cleaning water for cleaning counter tops.

Use for bacteria busting, dishwashing, general cleaning, kitchen/bath, laundry care, mold killer, and as a repellent.
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Diffuse to help mental fatigue. Promotes blood flow to the brain.
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For migraines, use equal drops of Tea Tree, Peppermint and Lavender in a carrier oil, apply to temples, forehead & back of neck.
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• Tea Tree essential oil is useful in purifying the scalp. It works extremely well for those that suffer from scalp psoriasis and scalp dandruff, oily or dry scalp, dandruff psoriasis or dermatitis.

It is effective against any type of fungal condition of the scalp such as ringworm. It is used to heal infections and to reduce itchiness. It removes build-up on the scalp and helps rejuvenate dull lifeless hair. It leaves hair soft, clean and manageable. Tea Tree has a strong, clean medicinal aroma too.
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Diffuse and apply on reflexology points for sinusitis.
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Tree is a powerful aid to healing skin infections or wounds. Apply directly on location topically. It is a good infection fighter with children and adults alike.

• Tea Tree is known to be very effective in treating eczema or any other skin condition.
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• Daily cleansing of the affected area with warm water Dead Sea Salts or Himalayan Salts and Tea Tree can help relieve pain and heal
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Use at the first sign of sore throat setting in.

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Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, cicatrizant, diaphoretic, fungicidal, immunostimulant, parasiticide, vulnerary.

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The information in this email has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any lifestyle changes. The material provided is for educational purposes only.

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© MotherEarthsElements.com 2024